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Electronic innovations rise to new level. Magnum trade network is among the leaders
The Company keeps growing and developing, exploring new opportunities and technology, including the development of e-commerce system. MagnumGo became one of the most popular services in Almaty during the first three months of the delivery service operation. These days, Magnum organized food delivery to houses and housing estates. During the first weeks of operation, the range of goods available for order was only 5 thousand items, and now it has grown up to more than 13 thousand items.
We move forward along with our partners. Several projects of DAMU Logistics in various segments are preparing to win the domestic market. Every initiative is conceived and implemented thanks to the two fundamental principles of DAMU Logistics: e-commerce and safe operation.
As to the market development potential of the e-commerce system, the Magnum specialists predict that, despite great success, it is too early to speak about transition to complete online mode. The world experience demonstrates that offline trading still prevails even in the countries with the most advanced e-commerce systems: China, the USA, Western and Northern Europe. It depends not only on the infrastructure development or the power of habit, but the fact is, going to supermarkets has become some kind of part of the lifestyle for the contemporary society. Kazakhstan is still far behind the developed countries in terms of the development of e-commerce, but there are prospects for further development in large cities. The significant quarantine situation has once again reminded that the one who is ready for changes wins. Today there are highly promising areas for development, including logistics innovations. A developed supply chain in a team with DAMU Logistics allowed Magnum Cash&Carry to avoid hysteria in stores when the quarantine was announced, as there were stocks, and actions were clearly worked out.
In addition, among the existing e-commerce products, Magnum has the most advantageous loyalty program — Magnum Club, due to the high payback potential and demand by customers. To sum up, the customers took well the following of the new products of Magnum Cash&Carry:
- MagnumGo apps
- self-checkouts in the Magnum Cash&Carry outlets
- online price checkers
A buyer can scan product bar codes in a store via the app and check the actual price. It's no secret that all trade networks face a problem of quick change of price tags for goods in case of revaluation, usually due to beginning or end of sales promotions. Magnum is the industry leader in Kazakhstan that takes care of the convenience of customers, and we, DAMU Logistics, are proud to be a reliable and equal partner.